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Full marks in practical – 100
- Any 4 Vyayama Kriyas (Exercises)
- Demonstration of 5 Adavus – a) Tattadavu, b) Naatadavu, c) Mettadavu, d) Egaru Tattadavu / Kudittu Tattadavu, e) Egaru Mettadavu / Kudittu Mettada
- Demonstration of all above Adavus on Tala with Sollukattu in 3 speeds.
- Demonstration of Dhyanashloka and its meanings
Oral Theory
- Importance of Namaskara
- Jaathi description of Tala in Bharatanatyam
- Knowledge of Asamyukta Hastas
- Knowledge of Shiro Bheda
- Introduction of Guru, Institution and form of learning in Dance
Full marks in practical – 100
- Any 10 Vyayama Kriyas (Exercises)
- Demonstration of 5 Adavus – a) Paraval / Madyath Adavu , b) Mandi Adavu, c)Muktaya Adavu, d) Jaaradavu / Sarikal Adavu and, e) Tattumettadavu / Jaathi Adavu with 5 jaathis
- Demonstration of all above Adavus on Tala with Sollukattu in 3 speeds
- Ability to perform Shloka and Devaranama
Oral Theory
- Knowledge of Samyukta Hastas
- Hasta Viniyoga till Kartarimukha Hasta in Asamyukta Hasta.
- Hasta Viniyoga till Dola Hasta in Samyukta Hasta.
- Origin of Dance in Mythology
- Name the classical dance forms of India
- Ability to sing Shloka and Devaranama
- Knowledge of Drishti Bheda
Full marks in practical – 100
- Knowledge of Dashavidha Adavus
- Perform Tishra Jaati Alaripu
- Perform Jatiswaram
- Ability to sing Alaripu and Jatiswaram with Tala
- Explain the term Alaripu and Jatiswaram
Oral Theory
- Knowledge of Sapta Tala and Sapta Swara
- Hasta viniyoga till Shikhara Hasta in Asamyukta Hasta.
- Hasta Viniyoga till Kartari Swastika Hasta in Samyukta Hasta.
- Knowledge of Greeva and Bhru Bheda
- Explain the Terminologies – Adavu, Jati, Korve, Nritta, Nrithya and Natya
- Name the different styles of Bharatanatyam
Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.
Full marks in practical – 100
- Ability to perform Chaturashra Jaati Alaripu, Jatiswaram, Pushpanjali and Kauthvam
- Ability to sing all the above Nritta bhandas
- Explain term Alaripu, Jatiswaram, Pushpanjali and Kauthvam
- Any 5 Adavus to demonstrate with Trikala and Jaati bheda
Oral Theory
- Significance of Nataraja
- Define the term Sapta Tandava, Laghu, Drutha, Laya, Sabha Lakshana and Natyakrama with shloka
- Briefly explain the classical forms of India
- Explain any 2 Folk forms of your respective state
- Hasta viniyoga till Simhamukha Hasta in Asamyukta Hasta
- Hasta viniyoga till Keelaka Hasta in Samyukta Hasta.
Full marks in practical – 100
Full marks in Oral Theory – 50
- Ability to perform Mishra Jaati Alaripu, 2 Jatiswaram in different Talas, 1 Shabdam and Keerthane
- Demonstrate Navarasas, Pada Bheda, Mandala and Bhramari
- Ability to sing, describe and explain the meaning of the above Nritta bhandas
- Perform Dashavidha Adavus in Trikala with Jaati bheda
Oral Theory
- Explain Chaturvidha Abhinaya, Paatra Anthaprana, Paatra Bhahiprana, Patra Lakshana, Neecha Natya Lakshana and Kinkini lakshana.
- Abiliti to sing Alankara
- Briefly explain Sapta Tala
- Explain any 2 folk forms if India
- Hasta viniyogas of all Asamyukta and Samyukta Hastas.
Full marks in practical – 100
Full marks in Theory – 50
- Ability to perform Khanda Jaati Alaripu, Jatiswaram in Mishra chapu Tala, Nritta Padam, Kriti or Keerthane, 2 Thillana in different Raga and Talas
- Demonstrate Sthanaka Bheda, Chari Bheda, Utplavana Bheda and Nritha Hastas
- Ability to sing, describe and explain the meaning of the above Nritha bhandas
- Perform any 1 folk dance of India with introduction of the form
Oral Theory
- Knowledge of Bhava, Vibhava and Sanchari Bhava
- Explain and demonstrate Devatha Hasta, Dashavatara Hasta, Ashtadikpala and Navagraha Hastas
- Knowledge of any 4 Ragalakshanas
- Name the Temples of south India which has reference to dance in Sculptures
- Origin and Development of Bharatanatyam dance
- Ability to write the Jatiswaram in Talalipi
- Explanation of Shirobheda with Shloka
- Knowledge of Carnatic Tala system
- Description of the parts of instruments used in Bharatanatyam
- Explain the types of Abhinaya
- Life sketch of Smt. Rukmini Devi Arundale, Kancheepuram Ellappa Pillai, Yamini Krishnamurthy, Chinnaiah and Ponnaiah
- Compose and write Jathis for Jatiswaram
Full marks in practical – 100
Full marks in Theory – 50
- Ability to perform Mishra jaati and Sankeerna Jaati Alaripu.
- Perform a Padavarna 1 st half ( Poorvardha )
- Perform Kshetrajna Padam.
- Perform two Tillanas in different Ragas.
- Ability to sing songs for above.
- Ability to put Tala on Tattumane and say the Sollukattu of Alaripu, Varna and Tillana.
Oral Theory
- Explain Viniyoga of all Samyukta Hastas and Asamyukta Hastas as per Abhinaya Darpana.
- Explain Natyakrama.
- Music knowledge: Alankara, Geethe and Swarajathi
- Meanings of term Alaripu, Padam, Tillana and Varnam
- Complete knowledge of Navarasa and their applications
- Knowledge of Drishtibedha, Shirobheda and Greevabheda with shloka according to Abhinayadarpana
- History of Bharatnatyam dance during the period of revival from Dasi Attam to Bharatanatyam.
- Explain the application of Samyukta, Asamyukta Hastas and Nrutha Hastas.
- Place of Music in Bharatanatyam dance.
- Classification of Devadasis and their contribution in dance
- Life sketch of: Smt Rukmini Devi Arundale, Yamini Krishnamurthy, Shivananda and Dhananjayas.
Full marks in practical – 200 (2 papers of 100 marks each)
Full marks in Theory – 100 (2 papers of 50 marks each)
Practical – First paper
- Margamlist: Pushpanjali, Keerthane, Pada varna, Javali and Tillana.
- Performanceof a complete Margam giving introduction and summary of each item
- Abilityto put Tala on Tattumane / Tattukali for above items.
Practical – Second paper
- Ability to choreograph a sequence from any character of Lord Vishnu
- Ability to explain and demonstrate Navarasa
- Explain and demonstrate the construction of 35 Talas in Carnatic system.
Oral Theory
- Types of Rangamantapas
- Name the Folk dances of India with origin of state.
- Explain Lokadharmi and Natyadharmi.
Theory – First Paper
- Life style of South Indian Devadasis
- Explain the types of Abhinaya, Nayaka and Nayika Bhedas
- Explain the role of Nattuvangam in Bharatanatyam dance
- Explain the Musical Instruments used in Bharatanatyam dance.
Theory – Second paper
- Knowledge of Drishtibedha, Shirobheda and Greevabheda with shloka according to Natyashastra and Abhinayadarpana
- Contribution of Tanjore Quartrets in Bharatanatyam.
- Life sketch of Balasaraswathi and the Tanjaore Brothers
- Write the difference between Folk dance and Classical dance.