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Full marks in practical – 100


  1. Play any Two Exercises
  2. Play C major and A minor Chord in Left hand.
  3. Play C major and A minor scales hands separately in two octaves
  4. Play the following songs:   1) Twinkle Twinkle  little  Star   2) Ode to Joy   3) Happy Birthday

Oral Theory

  1. Definitions: Clef, Stave, Key Signature, Time Signature, Ledger Line, Note Heads and Note Stems
  2. Explain the anatomy of the Keyboard


Full marks in practical – 100


  1. Play G major and F major scales hands together in one Octave
  2. Play E minor and D minor scales hands together in one Octave
  3. Play G major, F major, E minor and D minor chords in Left hand
  4. Play C major Pentatonic scale in right hand one Octave
  5. Play the following songs:   1) Silent Night Holy Night   2) Long Long Ago   3) Jingle Bells

Oral Theory

  1. Definitions: Arpeggio, Tone, Semitone, Bar, Bar-line, Octave, Crotchet, Minim, Semi breve and Quaver                                                                   


Full marks in practical – 100


  1. Play D major scale hands separately in two Octaves
  2. Play C major, A minor, G major, E minor scales hands together in two Octaves
  3. Play Chromatic scale on any White note, in right hand two Octaves
  4. Play D major Chord and Chords of previous grades
  5. Play the following songs:   1) National Anthem of India   2) O Sole Mio   3) Sing a song of Sixpence

Oral Theory

  1. Definitions: Accidentals, Interval, Quaver and Semi Quaver, Rests and types of Rests, Tempo, Tonic Triad
  2. Name few well- known brands of the Keyboards

Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.




Full marks in practical – 100         


  1. Play B flat major scale two Octaves in hands separately
  2. Play Any two Harmonic minor scales two Octaves in hands together
  3. Play a Pentatonic scale starting on G, two Octaves in hands separately
  4. Play B flat major Chord
  5. Play C minor Chord
  6. Play the following songs:   1) The Titanic Title song   2) Greensleeves   3) We three kings of Orient Are

 Oral Theory

  1. Definitions: Dotted Crotchet, Dotted minim, Ties, Relative major and minor, Legato, staccato, Allegro, Andante, Forte, Piano (Dynamics)
  2. Name few well- known Keyboard Artists


Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.



Full marks in practical – 100   

Full marks in Oral Theory – 50


  1. Play A major scale hands separately in two Octaves
  2. Play A major Arpeggio right hand, one Octave
  3. Play E major scale hands separately in two Octaves
  4. Play E major Arpeggio right hand, one Octave
  5. Play A major and E major chords, also A 7 and E 7 chords
  6. Play B flat Minor Natural and Melodic scales hands together in one Octave
  7. Chromatic scale starting on B flat hands together in two Octaves
  8. Play any song, using right hand Melody and left-hand Chords

Oral Theory

  1. Definitions: Natural, Harmonic and Melodic minor scale, Relative Major and Minor, Adagio, Allegretto, Molto, Phrase marks, 4/4- and 2/4-time signatures
  2. What are the four Clefs?


Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.




Full marks in practical – 100 

Full marks in Theory – 50


  1. Play B major scale hands separately in two Octaves
  2. Play B major Arpeggio right hand, one Octave
  3. Play F sharp Major scale hands separately in two Octaves
  4. Play F sharp Arpeggio right hand, one Octave
  5. Play the followings:   1) B major and F sharp major Chords   2) B major 7 and F sharp major 7 Chords   3) B 7 and F 7 Chords
  6. Play C sharp Minor Natural and Harmonic scales hands together in one Octave
  7. Chromatic scale starting on A and E, hands together in two Octaves
  8. Play any song, using right hand Melody and left-hand Chords with Rhythm


  1. Definitions: Single and Double Bar Line, Major and Minor second interval, Unison interval, Broken chords, Fortissimo, Crescendo, Diminuendo
  2. Name few Gadgets the Keyboard players use
  3. Explain Beat and Tempo in Music
  4. Name few important modes of Scales
  5. Draw the Diagram of different Clefs and Staves


Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.



Full marks in practical – 100  

Full marks in Theory – 50


  1. Play D flat / C sharp Major scale, hands together two Octaves
  2. Play B flat Minor (Natural, Harmonic and Melodic) scale, hands together two Octaves
  3. Play D flat / C sharp major Arpeggio, right hand one Octave
  4. Play Mixolydian scale on B, right hand one Octave
  5. Play B flat minor Pentatonic scale, right hand one Octave
  6. Play the followings:   1) D flat / C sharp major Chord   2) D flat / C sharp 7 Chord   3) D flat / C sharp Diminished Chord   4) B flat minor Chord   5) B flat minor 7 Chord
  7. Play Chromatic scale starting on D flat and B flat, hands together in two Octaves
  8. Play any song, using right hand Melody and left-hand Chords, knowledge of various Keyboard functions should be displayed


  1. Definitions: Chord inversions, 3/4- and 6/8-time signatures, Whole note, half note, Accent, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Repeat marks, Da Capo Al Fine, Fine, Perfect Interval, Tie and Slur, Moderato, Ritenuto
  2. Explain three common time signatures?
  3. Write and explain the Line and Space notes of Treble Clef and Bass Clef


Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.



Full marks in practical – 200 (2 papers of 100 marks each)    

Full marks in Theory – 100 (2 papers of 50 marks each)

Practical – First paper

  1. Play A flat major scale, hands together two Octaves
  2. Play F Minor (Natural, Harmonic and Melodic) scale, hands together two Octaves
  3. Play A flat major Arpeggio, right hand one Octave
  4. Play Dorian scale on D, right hand one Octave

Practical – Second paper

  1. Play F minor Pentatonic scale, hands together one Octave
  2. Play Chromatic scale starting on A flat and F, hands together in two Octaves
  3. Play the followings:   1) A flat major Chord   2) A flat 7 Chord   3) A flat major 7 Chord   4) A flat Diminished Chord   5) F minor Chord   6) F minor 7 Chord   7) F Diminished Chord
  4. Ability to play songs using various Keyboard functions like Dual voice, Split, Attack, Release etc….

Theory – First Paper

  1. Definitions: Cut common time signature, Simple and Compound time signatures, Various types of Rhythms, Circle of Fifths, Chord progression, Tonic and Dominant Triads
  2. Where do the 12 Musical notes come from?
  3. Comparison study between Keyboard and Piano

Theory – Second paper

  1. Definitions:  Vivo, Dolce, Tranquillo, Expressivo
  2. Explain the development of Keyboard?
  3. Knowledge of famous Artists in various Musical genres like Classical, Pop, Rock, Jazz and Blues


Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.


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