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Full marks in practical – 100
- Play any Two Exercises
- Play C major and A minor Chord in Left hand.
- Play C major and A minor scales hands separately in two octaves
- Play the following songs: 1) Twinkle Twinkle little Star 2) Ode to Joy 3) Happy Birthday
Oral Theory
- Definitions: Clef, Stave, Key Signature, Time Signature, Ledger Line, Note Heads and Note Stems
- Explain the anatomy of the Keyboard
Full marks in practical – 100
- Play G major and F major scales hands together in one Octave
- Play E minor and D minor scales hands together in one Octave
- Play G major, F major, E minor and D minor chords in Left hand
- Play C major Pentatonic scale in right hand one Octave
- Play the following songs: 1) Silent Night Holy Night 2) Long Long Ago 3) Jingle Bells
Oral Theory
- Definitions: Arpeggio, Tone, Semitone, Bar, Bar-line, Octave, Crotchet, Minim, Semi breve and Quaver
Full marks in practical – 100
- Play D major scale hands separately in two Octaves
- Play C major, A minor, G major, E minor scales hands together in two Octaves
- Play Chromatic scale on any White note, in right hand two Octaves
- Play D major Chord and Chords of previous grades
- Play the following songs: 1) National Anthem of India 2) O Sole Mio 3) Sing a song of Sixpence
Oral Theory
- Definitions: Accidentals, Interval, Quaver and Semi Quaver, Rests and types of Rests, Tempo, Tonic Triad
- Name few well- known brands of the Keyboards
Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.
Full marks in practical – 100
- Play B flat major scale two Octaves in hands separately
- Play Any two Harmonic minor scales two Octaves in hands together
- Play a Pentatonic scale starting on G, two Octaves in hands separately
- Play B flat major Chord
- Play C minor Chord
- Play the following songs: 1) The Titanic Title song 2) Greensleeves 3) We three kings of Orient Are
Oral Theory
- Definitions: Dotted Crotchet, Dotted minim, Ties, Relative major and minor, Legato, staccato, Allegro, Andante, Forte, Piano (Dynamics)
- Name few well- known Keyboard Artists
Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.
Full marks in practical – 100
Full marks in Oral Theory – 50
- Play A major scale hands separately in two Octaves
- Play A major Arpeggio right hand, one Octave
- Play E major scale hands separately in two Octaves
- Play E major Arpeggio right hand, one Octave
- Play A major and E major chords, also A 7 and E 7 chords
- Play B flat Minor Natural and Melodic scales hands together in one Octave
- Chromatic scale starting on B flat hands together in two Octaves
- Play any song, using right hand Melody and left-hand Chords
Oral Theory
- Definitions: Natural, Harmonic and Melodic minor scale, Relative Major and Minor, Adagio, Allegretto, Molto, Phrase marks, 4/4- and 2/4-time signatures
- What are the four Clefs?
Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.
Full marks in practical – 100
Full marks in Theory – 50
- Play B major scale hands separately in two Octaves
- Play B major Arpeggio right hand, one Octave
- Play F sharp Major scale hands separately in two Octaves
- Play F sharp Arpeggio right hand, one Octave
- Play the followings: 1) B major and F sharp major Chords 2) B major 7 and F sharp major 7 Chords 3) B 7 and F 7 Chords
- Play C sharp Minor Natural and Harmonic scales hands together in one Octave
- Chromatic scale starting on A and E, hands together in two Octaves
- Play any song, using right hand Melody and left-hand Chords with Rhythm
- Definitions: Single and Double Bar Line, Major and Minor second interval, Unison interval, Broken chords, Fortissimo, Crescendo, Diminuendo
- Name few Gadgets the Keyboard players use
- Explain Beat and Tempo in Music
- Name few important modes of Scales
- Draw the Diagram of different Clefs and Staves
Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.
Full marks in practical – 100
Full marks in Theory – 50
- Play D flat / C sharp Major scale, hands together two Octaves
- Play B flat Minor (Natural, Harmonic and Melodic) scale, hands together two Octaves
- Play D flat / C sharp major Arpeggio, right hand one Octave
- Play Mixolydian scale on B, right hand one Octave
- Play B flat minor Pentatonic scale, right hand one Octave
- Play the followings: 1) D flat / C sharp major Chord 2) D flat / C sharp 7 Chord 3) D flat / C sharp Diminished Chord 4) B flat minor Chord 5) B flat minor 7 Chord
- Play Chromatic scale starting on D flat and B flat, hands together in two Octaves
- Play any song, using right hand Melody and left-hand Chords, knowledge of various Keyboard functions should be displayed
- Definitions: Chord inversions, 3/4- and 6/8-time signatures, Whole note, half note, Accent, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Repeat marks, Da Capo Al Fine, Fine, Perfect Interval, Tie and Slur, Moderato, Ritenuto
- Explain three common time signatures?
- Write and explain the Line and Space notes of Treble Clef and Bass Clef
Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.
Full marks in practical – 200 (2 papers of 100 marks each)
Full marks in Theory – 100 (2 papers of 50 marks each)
Practical – First paper
- Play A flat major scale, hands together two Octaves
- Play F Minor (Natural, Harmonic and Melodic) scale, hands together two Octaves
- Play A flat major Arpeggio, right hand one Octave
- Play Dorian scale on D, right hand one Octave
Practical – Second paper
- Play F minor Pentatonic scale, hands together one Octave
- Play Chromatic scale starting on A flat and F, hands together in two Octaves
- Play the followings: 1) A flat major Chord 2) A flat 7 Chord 3) A flat major 7 Chord 4) A flat Diminished Chord 5) F minor Chord 6) F minor 7 Chord 7) F Diminished Chord
- Ability to play songs using various Keyboard functions like Dual voice, Split, Attack, Release etc….
Theory – First Paper
- Definitions: Cut common time signature, Simple and Compound time signatures, Various types of Rhythms, Circle of Fifths, Chord progression, Tonic and Dominant Triads
- Where do the 12 Musical notes come from?
- Comparison study between Keyboard and Piano
Theory – Second paper
- Definitions: Vivo, Dolce, Tranquillo, Expressivo
- Explain the development of Keyboard?
- Knowledge of famous Artists in various Musical genres like Classical, Pop, Rock, Jazz and Blues
Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.