Full marks in practical – 100
- Hand practice boles
- Ten main boles of Tabla
- Parts of Tabla
- To recite and play the Thekas of Dadra, Keharva, Rupak and Teen Taal with beats and off
- A Teen Taal kayda with minimum four Paltas and Tehai
- Play Teen Taal Mukhda and Tukda with beats and off
Oral Theory
Terminologies: Taal, Matra, Vibhag, Tali, Khali and Theka
Full marks in practical – 100
- Thekas of Dadra, Keharva ,Rupak,Teen Taal and Teora Taal in Thay laya and Dwigun laya
- Ability to play 2 Kaydas in Teen Taal with Paltas and Tehai
- Two Mukhdas and Tukdas , One Uthan and Paran in Teen Taal
Oral Theory
Terminologies: Taal, Matra, Vibhag, Tali, Khali, Theka, Sam, Avartan and Taal lipi
Full marks in practical – 100
- 4 prakars in Dadra and Keharva Taal
- Thekas of Dadra, Keharva ,Teen Taal,Rupak,Teora,EkTaal and ChauTaal in Thay laya, Dwigun laya and Chaugun laya
- Ten complex boles of Tabla
- Kayda in Teen Taal with different Baj
- Recite and Play Mukhda , Tukda ,Mohara, Uthan , Paran and Chakradhar in Teen Taal
- Recite and play Teen Taal Bedum and Dumdar Tehai
- Play 4 types of Mukhdas from different Matras
Oral Theory
- Terminologies: Taal, Matra, Vibhag, Tali, Khali, Theka, Sam, Avartan, Taal lipi, Bole, Kayda, Palta, Tukda, Mukhda, Paran,Tehai and Uthan
- Origin of Tabla
- Knowledge about renowned Tabla players
Note: Previous year’s portions also to be covered.
Full marks in practical – 100
- Ability to recite and play 3 Kaydas in Teen Taal showing beats and off
- Reecite and play Thekas of Dadra, Keharva ,Teen Taal,Rupak,Teora,EkTaal, ChauTaal, Jhap Taal and Surfak / Sul Taal in Thay laya, Dwigun laya and Chaugun laya
- Recite and play 2 Tukdas and Tehaies in each of JhapTaal, EkTaal and RupakTaal
- Recite and play Uthan, Paran and Chakradhar in each of RupakTaal and JhapTaal
- Ability to demonstrate Teen Taal Lehara for 5 minutes
Oral Theory
- Terminologies: Laya and its variety, Taal, Matra, Vibhag, Tali, Khali, Theka, Sam, Avartan, Taal lipi, Bole, Kayda, Palta, Tukda, Mukhda, Paran, Tehai, Mohara and Uthan
- Ten syllables of Tabla
- System of Tuning Tabla
Full marks in practical – 100
Full marks in Oral Theory – 50
- Ability to demonstrate Teen Taal Lehara for minimum 8 minutes
- 2 Kaydas in each of JhapTaal and EkTaal
- Recite and play 2 Tukdas, Paran and Tehai in each of JhapTaal and EkTaal
- To recite and play the Taals of previous years , also Ardha Jhap and Tilwada Taal with beats and off in Thay, Dwigun and Chaugun layas
- Recite and play 2 Paran,Tehai and Chakradhar in each of ChauTaal, SurfakTaal and TeoraTaal
Oral Theory
- Terminologies: Peshkar, Gat, Aadi, Kuaadi, Viaadi, Chakradhar, Rela, Trigun, Samapadi and Vishamapadi
- Brief knowledge of Dashapran
- Comparative study of Taals having equal Matras
- Knowledge of notation system of Vishnudigambar Paddati
Full marks in practical – 100
Full marks in Theory – 50
- Ability to demonstrate Lehara in each of JhapTaal and EkTaal with Nagma
- Recite and play 2 Paran, Chakradhar and Gat in SurfakTaal
- To recite and play the Taals with beats and off – DeepchandiTaal, TilwadaTaal, AdachauTaal and DhamarTaal in Thay,Dwigun and Chaugun Layas
- Knwoledge of Trimatric EkTaal and Vilambit EkTaal
- Ability to recite and play Kayda, Rela, Gat, Tukda, Paran, Tehai and Chakradhar in each of DhamarTaal and TilwadaTaal
- Terminologies: Previous years Terms, Laggi, Ladi, Laykari, Sath Sangat and Jaati
- System of accompaniment with Vocal, Instrumental music and Dance
- Production of mono syllablic and multi syllablic sounds using proper strokes
- Knowledge of Taal lipi system of Bhatkhande and Vishnu Digamber, ability to write the Thekas of all Taals in both systems
- To write the Thekas of all the Taals in Thay, Dwigun and Chaugun Laya in Taal lipi
- Life sketch of: Tabla Player Masid Khan, Ameer Khusro, and Pakhwaj Player Nasir Khan
- Essays on Utility of Tabla and Mridanga in music
- The place of your instrument in Indian music
Full marks in practical – 100
Full marks in Theory – 50
- Ability to play Peshkar, kayda, Gat, Farmaishi chakradhar in each of JhapTaal and EkTaal
- Ability to demonstrate Lehara in all Vishamapadi Taals
- Ability to demonstrate the following compositions in hand movements Peshkar,Tukda,Chakradhar,Paran,Dumdar and Bedum Tehai,Aadi Laya Tehai of above Taals
- Mukhda and Mohara in JhumraTaal and TilwadaTaal
- Laggi in Keharva and DadraTaals
- Recite and play Thekas of AddhaTaal, Deepchandi, Pancham-Sawari and AdaChauTaal in Thay,Dwigun and Chaugun layas
- To recite and play the Talas in four Layakaries : TeenTaal, EkTaal, JhapTaal, RupakTaal, JhumraTaal and DhamarTaal
- Terminologies: Privieous years Terms, Laggi, Ladi, Laykari, Sath sangat, Jaati, Sauagun and Paunegun
- Write the following compositions in Vishnudigambar Taal lipi paddati: Tukhda, Paran and Chakradhar on Taals included in the Syllabus
- To wrirte the Thekas of all the Taals in Thay,Dwigun and Chaaugun Layas in Taal lipi
- Write Short history of Tabla and Pakhwaj
- Discussion about the features of different Baj and Gharanas
- Life sketch of: Anokhelal, Alla Rakha, Ahmed Jan Thirakwa and Kudau sing
Full marks in practical – 200 (2 papers of 100 marks each)
Full marks in Theory – 100 (2 papers of 50 marks each)
Practical – First paper
- Ability to demonstrate Lehara in Ada ChauTaal, JhumraTaal, Pancham-SawariTaal and TilwadaTaal
- Play Self composed lehara in TeenTaal and JhapTaal, ability to compose different compositions within given time and boles
- To recite and play the Taals in Thay Laya and Dwigun Laya: Pancham-Sawari, GajajhampaTaal, SikharTaal, BrahmaTaal, RudraTaal and LakshmiTaal
- Play Kayda in Tishra and Mishra jaati, Gat and Paran on Vishamapadi Taals
- Ability to accompany with different types of Song, Instrument and Dance
Practical – Second paper
- Play Kamali chakradhar, Farmaishi chakradhar, Tukhdas, Paran in different layakaries on Taals of previous year consisting 7, 10, 12, 14 & 16 matras
- Demonstrate samamatric Taals of Hindustani and Carnatic classical music
- Ability to demonstrate 8, 10, 12 matra Taals in different rhythmic instruments
- To play and recite the Taalas in Teengun, Panchgun and Satgun : RupakTaal, JhapTaaI, ChauTaal, JhumraTaal and NabTaal
- To recite and play the Taals in different Layas : Matta Taal, Ashtmangal Taal and Vasanth Taal
Theory – First Paper
- Terminologies : All the terminologies of previous years, Farmaishi cheese, Jawabi paran, Loam, Viloam, Drut, Anudrut, Kamali cheese, Zarab
- Classification of Indian Musical Instruments.
- Knowledge of South Indian Taals and Taal lipi.
- Explain the development of different Baj in Tabla.
- Ability to write in different layakaries the Taals included in the syllabus.
- Comparative study of Bhatkhande and Vishnudigambar systems of Taal lipi.
- History of the origin of Tabla and Pakhwaj.
- Brief history of the percussion instruments of the Vedic and Pouranic ages.
Theory – Second paper
- Comparative study of Samapadi and Vishamapadi Taals.
- To write in Bhatkhande system the Peshkar, Kayda, Tukda, Paran of both Delhi and Purab styles.
- Composition of Peshkar, Kayda and Gat in given Boles
- Life sketch of: Tabla players Pandit Ram sahai, Khalifa Wajid Hussain Khan, Habibuddin Khan and a Pakhwaj player Ravishankar Upadhyay.
- Metres and knowledge of Pingal Sastra.
- Knowledge of some Boles and Todas of dance.
- Difference between the boles of Tabla and Pakhwaj
- Essay writing on:
- System of Tabla learning
- Qualities and defects of players
- Utility of Music
- Best process of Taal lipi
- Defects of modern musical instruments and their remedies.
- Place of Laya and Taal in music.
- System of Pakhwaj learning
- Knowledge of western Notation